International engineering bureau Dialar Navigator B.V. (DNBV) – comprehensive support for projects and founders in the EU
- Member and partner of professional communities, investor clubs, SME support networks
- Developed network of partners in NL and EU
- Contact office in the NL
- Wide selection of innovative projects and technologies of various themes
- Flexible conditions and terms of participation in projects
- Transparency of IP, protection of participants interests
- Finding a profile partner
- Support for existing contracts
- Localization abroad for the project and team
- Business scaling
Successful collaborations based on innovative projects – this is a bilateral movement of innovation and market towards each other

Our main goals are to provide a modern professional tool for comprehensive support to project initiators and founders from various countries in the process of building their cooperation in Europe, to promote the most effective use and development of each project and each investment (both money and time).
Any person interested in cooperation on international markets is welcome to contact us. First of all, of course, these are projects and investors, both companies and individuals.
We are also ready to consider cooperation with persons providing various services in the markets of intellectual products – lawyers, patent attorneys, agents, intermediaries.
The work is structured in the format of an “engineering bureau”, which has all the necessary competencies and partners to support projects and their participants at all stages of work from preliminary marketing and packaging, to negotiations, deal conclusion and support of transactions. Many processes are standardized, which allows optimizing the time and efforts of the project team and its partners. Moreover, each project is carried out individually, according to an individual roadmap developed and agreed upon with the project initiators, taking into account their goals and objectives.
The most specific for us is working with projects with a high degree of readiness for implementation and use. A high degree of elaboration of documentation is desirable – the main sections of the Business Plan, economics, technology, a clear formalisation of intellectual rights and their ownership, for many it is important to have a patent or a valid PCT application, an understanding of your product, the essence of your offer on international markets, the target audience and/or counterparties.
Our company is a member of a number of professional communities, where there are representatives of business, government organizations, technology parks, educational institutions, cultural institutions and a number of other structures that are of systemic importance for working with innovative technologies from various sectors of the European economy. We and our projects regularly take part in business events, presentations, seminars in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and other EU countries. This allows you to organize high-quality work with projects from a variety of areas on a long-term basis.
In 2018 DialarNavigatorB.V. opened a contact (IP) office in the business capital of the Netherlands – The Hague. Project initiators and copyright holders interested in implementing developments in various sectors of the economy have the opportunity to independently organize presentations of their projects to potential partners from the EU, meet with counterparties, conduct business negotiations, even a conference, seminar, or any other event.

We strive to ensure that every idea is qualitatively implemented and finds its application, and every need for innovation finds an optimal solution
Respecting the interests of the authors, investors, project teams, as well as all participants of the chain of creation and sale of intellectual products